My First Time Playing VR Felt ILLEGAL
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
I hope you guys enjoy :)
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**PODCAST**: • Madison Beer, PAX East...
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Sorry about the black ring when moving, it’s to prevent motion sickness and I didn’t want to risk it my first time playing VR lmao. I’ll get rid of it for next video!!
Cant wait for more VR
The motion sickness will die down the more you play vr. But i totally understand needing it to play at first
It’s your video🔥. If we only get scopes of vr fitz squirming and swaggersouls running like a “mcnasty” zombie, then so be it!
Keep the ring as long as you need it. You get used to it the more you play.
You need to play penguin paradise or gorillia tag
Man, Vr moments with Fitz and Swagger was the shit back in the day. Good to see Matt has joined their level of ridiculousness
"my heart goes out to you "
gotta be the funniest shit of all time
Would definitely love to see more vr contents, might be personal bias but vr is always entertaining
i agree, with groups like these absolute goobers it's always a great time!
14:37 This is easily one of Blarg’s best plays on his channel. Unbelievable
fr, it was so casual yet effective
Who else could've watched a hour long video of this. When it ended I was sad that it ended. Please do more of this
I really hope you all do more of this. This video was magical
Them immediately shooting blarg is fucking hilarious
21:01 best transition ever made!!!
"I think he's doing montage rn."
-"Gets shot."
-"Silence..*🦭🐬🦅🐬🐧* ahh laugh"
Transition hits with the matching music to that tone*
We need atleast seven more vr videos
add three more zeros
Swagger "I don't know if I can live with the guilt". Immediately offs himself. So funny!
i did NOT expect to see THE logan boofdelivery in a blarg video
“Take it or leave it” had me weak 😂😂😂
I absolutely love Pavlov VR, glad to see blarg play it
Blarg is so underrated
He’s overrated in my village, he bazooka’d our previous one.
This is actually so amazing, lmao.
The church bit definitely has to be one of the best moments in this video.
21:00 The most ballerina 360 no scope ever
Definitely more of this vr content style fo sho
I love Logan a video with him randomly in it is bound to be good
Don't reach for the grippers, blarg! Sit back and wait..... they'll come to you 😂
I'm begging you please play more VR games with your friends or solo games this is one of the funniest RUclips videos I've seen in a minute please continue to just be your weird self and make more videos like this
Finally, Blarg can relive the days of his ancestors
Sorry about the loss mate
this session was so good! holy shit my sides hurt. please more of this Blarg please ❤
VR content is some of the best
6:54 pov: its his first time 😭😂
This great, you should make more vr videos blarg
This is exactly what I needed
VR mics are always so scuffed
I think he's doing a montage *bang*
17:00 - Ya think the creators of VR games know people are fonna try this XD
This was awesome. its been a while since i laughed so hard
Quite possibly the best video on this channel
6:25 we just gonna let that one slide? 😂
16:01 got me rolling
I personally wanna see the goons in VR too
That was hilarious. When you recover from barfing, please do more.
blarg being clueless in the beginning is funny as hell
That was great!
More of this, please mastah
god i wanna try VR so bad but im too poor lol. i think id get a headache from it though. mostly from the pressure of the glasses but then also the motion sickness.
what we need are holodecks from star trek. a whole room that turns into anything you want, the moving floor pannels in there make it seem like you're going somewhere when you're not. if they get made when im on my death bed...i swear to god i will crawler crawl myself over to one in order to use it before i die lol. holodecks are the dream VR situation. but i know many people would die of starvation from being addicted to them. in star trek history there was a time when people were addicted to using the holodecks. that passed eventually but it still happens. theres one episode, forgot the name of it now, but in it a crew member named barkley is addicted to the holodeck because its better than his real life. IRL he basically has aspergers, hes socially awkward but hes smart AF when it comes to his job on the ship. so in the episode you see him in the holodeck making up scenarios like he beats up riker and sleeps with counsler troi lol.
Oh lord on the back is crazy, I could imagine someone walking just watching you do that 😂
That outro clip was so good
I was literally just rewatching smittys old Pavlov like 6 years ago, TTT is brilliant
Oh hell yeah dude, id love for you and your bros to try out other games too like breachers
this whole video has old school Red vs Blue energy
I was mildly violently high and this strangely soothed me back down 😂
9:44 blarg almost offs himself reminds me of chief wiggum from the Simpsons movie during the donut scene
This... I am a big fan of this.
2:33 this bit bro 😂
Hello fellow MD fan
thanks to VR we can now see that blarg is the short one in the group
I love these guys!
Damn finally grabbed some vr ay! Our boy joined the real brainrot.
Yeah that is really dissorienting to watch it like batman transition every 30 seconds. Also i know you had that gremlin foot thumbnail earlier!
I don't even need to see a webcam to know that Matt looks really goofy with a VR headset on lol
9:56 Fitz invested all his skill points into dex and none in accuracy
10:38 How he celebtated is funny
Blarg sounds like SMii7Y sometimes with the vr headset mic
Banger😂 3:10
Holy shit vr might be the wave that was hilarious
13:58 bangin
This needs a "motel for clowns" moment 😂
this reminds me of that one session 4-5 years ago with that one lad…
I love it when my Schnoople is blarged.
Def more vr ❤
Of course Blarg finds the explosives and drugs first 🤣
Lethal company vr mod is the best it's so fun and other mods work with it as well I think we all would love to see that 😂
Bro, the potential of new vr content is literally INFINITE. Like could you imagine this group playing gorilla tag?
that would be the funniest thing ever
vr among-us with the boys would go hard
You should play duck season in vr :]
I love this game
this was dope
God I missed good old TTT😌
You want a VR game to get in trouble playing, it's solo only but blade and sorcery is where RUclips magic happens for vr. Add mods to the mix thru the in-game mod menu and you have absolute gold and it's crazy simple to mod because it's just built in to the game
Fitz always got the toes out.
I love how matt always one hands the two handed weapons lol
Playing vr is just a lucid dream
how many times in blarg's career has he said "is that not gonna blow up?" then that blows up lol
Aint this like his third time playing vr? The powerwashing with john and then the blade and sorcery with smii7ys setup?
As a professional pavlov TTT player, this was hilarious to watch
Please I beg of you get contractors vr and some of the mods it’s soooo much fun
havent laughed so hard watching this video
Bro the collateral when he kills himself because hes wearing the glasses that the other guy was wearing is crazy
We love to see sum VR
9:27 Hey, guys! I guess that's it.
Underrated comment 💀
14:42, im sure that worked how he thought it would in his head.
i always forget how freakishly tall fitz is
I weirdly liked this allot, reminded me of the good old nono square days
Im so glad to see the misfits back on vr again, this really needs to reoccur
get contracters and play like call of duty maps in vr like wiht friends 2v2 or i dont know with how much you are but you can play nuketown shipment al those things even zombies cod would be dope to see
Video 13 of asking matt to release my family
Very nice
5:00 me reaching for the officer's gun
11 billion crabs...
These bots are crazier than Matt on 9/11
i feel like blade and sorcery would fit that title XD
Blarg there are Minions Heelys!
This was so fucking funny we need more VR
Jared Leto 20:50
More of this!!!!