Vanessa Lane


Prince of the Rotten Milk
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Does anyone know the name of this movie or where i can watch it?

That thing is misleading because it's interracial. Guy De Silva is actually latino, not black.

Has she ever said anything about doing interracial?

To answer your question, here is something I found:

Here is a good quote in the article that can answer your question about Vanessa Lane

"In an interview with Khan Tusion from meatmembers, she said that she doesn't do interracial and Khan said that that wasn't quite the language she used during their private discussion in a bar about interracial porn (probably meaning she was angrily using ethnic slurs during the conversation).
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To answer your question, here is something I found:

Here is a good quote in the article that can answer your question about Vanessa Lane

"In an interview with Khan Tusion from meatmembers, she said that she doesn't do interracial and Khan said that that wasn't quite the language she used during their private discussion in a bar about interracial porn (probably meaning she was angrily using ethnic slurs during the conversation).

This really sucks. I was a big fan of this girl...never knew she was that prejudice.